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d1do ft. Jake Breathe
The story behind LiTTLE MORE is about a couple
who meet and instantly fall madly in Love with each other.
The feelings are so strong for both of them to the point
where it's almost intimidating. They know they've found their life partner and now are almost begging for a LiTTLE MORE time with themselves before stepping into the powerful commitment of marriage. With a pop/punk inspired sound and catchy chorus, you'll have yourself singing along after the first listen!
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Emotions can be deceiving. This song shares a story around Love, Courage
and Heart-break. Sometimes you feel a deep connection towards someone... That feeling isn't always mutual. But you'll never know unless you have the courage to express what's truly on your heart. Enjoy WifEY.
- d1do
Listen Now!

Singer & songwriter born & raised in
Ontario, Canada.
The time has come for me to share my love & music with the world. I'm here to inspire the fire we all have within us to live & create our highest dreams.
I believe we as humans can rise & succeed together. you'll strongly feel this essence through my inspirational pop/hip-hop music!
Feel free to follow my daily journey on Instagram!
The story continues..

Short Story x Part I/4
Since I was a kid, music had always been a DREAM of mine.
It was never rooted in logic, reason or persuasion but rather pure intuition & imagination.
As life continued, I put those ideas behind me to pursue more 'realistic' visions.
Ontario, Canada
Inspirational, Pop, Electronic, Hip-Hop
2020 - present
One New Era X

Short Story x Part 2/4
.As I grew older, I began to recognize that I had created limiting beliefs around being a singer.
By internally agreeing that these dreams were just a random, unrealistic & irrelevant;
all inspiration to act upon it had deflated.
Until I shifted my perception...
As you Believe in your DREAMS, you create
a world of new harmonies .
- d1do

Short Story x Part 3/4
I began to observe a coherence & connectedness to everything in life including my
childhood dreams. "Everything happens for a reason".
Trusting & feeling that those visions were a roadmap to my future self.

I took the leap of faith & began to sing, write, perform & share my expression of music with
the world & have already experienced magic & liberation as a result of my actions.
I FINALLY booked a spontaneous flight to California & followed through to
record & release my first single, DREAMIN' on all streaming platforms.

Short Story x Part 4/4
The music is out, the journey has been activated. Since then I found clarity on a new
genre of music I have been pioneering behind the scenes.
I look forward to sharing more on this as well as the music
& the story as it continues to unfold.
Thanks for Tuning In.